A collection of my non-tech musings—guitar, music, poems, sketches, and ideas. After so much tech related stuff I decided I will keep a seperate section for these things!
🎶 I play guitar, mostly classical but also electrical sometimes. The electrical one is kept with my brother in my house so I don't get to touch it much, but classical yeahh! In the music section you will see some sheets I wrote based on the Phrygian dominant scale to make some arabic sounding music. You will also find my music taste quite impeccable 😉
🎨 I am a potrait artist! If you wanna see some of my best art, it'll be under this tag. I can't paint very well because I have no sense of color so I just use charcoal to cover for it. I have been sketching ever since 8th grade I guess, though I never pursued it vigourously. It was one of those things that came to me naturally and I loved it.
🎤 I also debate competitively for my college. Contrary to popular belief, debate isn't about shutting someone down as much as annhilating them to pieces and then stepping on it (just kidding). Interestingly, my only ever Fail I got in school, was in public speaking... Well how the turn tables. Here I keep my debating notes, matter files and more.